P. 241

Sophokles, fr. 586 R (Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. Bruno Snell [1967], p. 440):

…she hastens, and in her many-colored robe… (translated by Aaron J. Ivey)

Sophokles, fr. 595 R (Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta, ed. Bruno Snell [1967], p. 444):

…the shuttle’s voice… (translated by Aaron J. Ivey)

Hyginus Fabulae 45:

While Tereus, son of Mars, a Thracian, was married to Progne, daughter of Pandion, he came to Athens to his father-in-law Pandion to ask for his other daughter in marriage, stating that Progne had died. Pandion granted him the favour, and sent Philomela and guards along with her. But Tereus threw the guards into the sea, and finding Philomela on a mountain, violated her. After he returned to Thrace, he gave Philomela to king Lynceus, whose wife Lathusa, because Progne was her friend, at once sent the concubine to her. When Progne recognized her sister and knew the impious deed of Tereus, the two planned to return the favour to the King. Meanwhile it was revealed to Tereus by prodigies that death by a relative’s hand was coming to his son Itys. When he heard this, thinking that his brother Dryas was plotting his son’s death, he killed the innocent man. Progne, however, killed her son Itys by Tereus, served him at his father’s table, and fled with her sister. When Tereus, cognizant of the crime, was pursuing them as they fled, by the pity of the gods it came about that Progne was changed into a swallow, and Philomela into a nightingale. They say, too, that Tereus was made a hawk (original Latin).

Edited by Aaron J. Ivey, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Georgia, June 2016.